Saturday, April 13, 2013

Mr. Max Sterling

Here we have Max Sterling based on your standard GI naval aviator. Max's color scheme from the cartoon was applied  to the pilot suit. The flight gear was cleaned up a bit but I left the flight jacket on for a more functional rather than the stylish look. Don't get me wrong, the cartoon costumes were baller.
I'm not going to try and rock that collar tho. The helmet and breather are touched up a bit with cartoon details. I always assumed the visors in the cartoon were designed to show the mouth moving in the animation but they always looked unwieldy to me. I will use a standard looking visor and breather. I may try to make a full visor in the future but I'm afraid it might look the helmets in "Stealth". If I have to pick a look, I like the breather on.

The cockpit is not as cramped as most fighter jets. I did that to get some nice shots of the pilot working the controls. Everything is with in arms reach and pretty functional looking. I will have interior shots once I light up the buttons and design some control panels.

More shots

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